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Submission of papers


Authors are welcome!

Authors from all over the world are invited to submit original and unpublished papers to the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Engineering Veracruz (ICEV 2020).

All papers will be peer reviewed by the program committee. Submitted papers must be written in English and should be in PDF format. Paper length must be between 4 and 8 pages. All papers must be original and not simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.

You can submit your paper until May 31, 2020.

Before submitting your paper, please follow the instructions:

Step 1. Use of the proper IEEE-ICEV template:

  • If all the authors of your paper are from the same institution or organization, please use the following template:

Using this template, you may differentiate among departments of the organization or you may decide not to mention departments.

  • If the authors of your paper are from two institutions or organizations, please use the following template:

Using this template, you classify your authors in two groups, according to the organization, and you may also differentiate among departments of the organization or you may decide not to mention departments.

  • If the authors of your paper belong to three or more institutions or organizations, please use the following template:

Using this template, you may differentiate among organizations or institutions, but you are asked not to mention departments.


Step 2. Upload your paper for reviewing:

All papers must be sent directly to the conference chair email:


Step 3. Wait for the results of the peer review process

All papers will be peer reviewed by the program committee.

The results of the review process will be notified by email after July 12, 2020.

IEEE-ICEV 2020 is technically sponsored by IEEE. Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore

Thank you very much for your contribution.


Authors of accepted papers must follow the guidelines given in Submission of Camera-Ready Papers (available after July 12, 2020).

We look forward to meeting you in October.

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IEEE International Conference on Engineering Veracruz 2020


Universidad Veracruzana - Dirección General del Área Académica Técnica
IEEE Veracruz Section & UV Student Branches
Consejo Veracruzano de Investigación Científica y Desarrollo Tecnológico COVEICYDET

IEEE ICEV 2020 ®

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