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Registration Fees and Procedure

Registration Fees

Registration fees


Since the conference has moved to virtual mode, Registration fees are very low, because there will not be extra activities or additional expenses under this logistic scheme.

These are costs of registration for authors of accepted papers and for other attendees, with a difference in fees for members of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) with a valid ID for 2020 membership.

All fees are in Mexican Pesos (MXN) and are not subject to taxes.

IEEE-ICEV 2020 Registration Fees ¹
All fees in Mexican Pesos (MXN)


IEEE Members

Author, per each paper presented ²

Professional attendee  

Student attendee







¹ Fees will cover mainly the costs of meeting IEEE standards for publication and other organisation expenses.
² This fee includes registration to the conference and presentation of only one paper.




Author, per each paper presented 

Professional attendee  / Student attendee


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IEEE International Conference on Engineering Veracruz 2020


Universidad Veracruzana - Dirección General del Área Académica Técnica
IEEE Veracruz Section & UV Student Branches
Consejo Veracruzano de Investigación Científica y Desarrollo Tecnológico COVEICYDET

IEEE ICEV 2020 ®

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